Humanitarian NGOs
For 20 years I have photographed NGO activities in Africa and Latin America. It is a privilege to spend time with NGO staffs in the communities in which they work. My pro bono work with NGOs fighting poverty, disease, hunger and illiteracy allows me to view cultures from the inside out. My challenge is to convey the passion, pride and dignity of these people.
The links on the left lead to information on humanitarian nonprofits addressing issues ranging from women’s health to feeding the urban poor. I have found these NGOs are successful because they are all based on market-driven approaches.
Conservation NGOs
I have worked with conservation groups in Africa and Latin America throughout my photography career. My time in the bush, on beaches and atop glaciers with highly educated and trained environmentalists has been a great education. While documenting conservation efforts, I have witnessed so many of the glories of nature and come to understand both the strength and frailties of our planet.
I have seen many nonprofits and NGOs that are well intended but not always well thought out, sometimes causing more harm than good. The links on the left describe successful environmentalists and conservancies I have worked with. These models work with national parks, single species and the future of natural resources. Despite their diverse focuses, they are effective because their approach is community-based.